Get back your old Facebook Profile

Facebook Timeline launched in September last year is a new profile page approach for Facebook. Although many people love the whole idea, there are people who find it weird and call it a newspaper and want their old profile back. Such a task can be easily done with a tiny browser extension called as TimeLineRemove. Normally the official website of TimeLineRemove offers extension/add-on for almost all popular browsers [except Safari]

Installing TimeLineRemove

  • Go to TimeLineRemove. Depending on your browser you’ll see the icon of your respective browser flashing.
  •  click on it and install the extension/add-on.
  • Now restart your browser and check your Facebook profile page, Facebook timeline has been removed.

This tiny, but handy tool disables
the new Facebook timeline feature and restores the classic look,
without changing the timeline behavior for other visitors of your Facebook profile.
The extension basically works by hiding the timeline, so you can view your own and others’ profiles
in the old style.
TimelineRemove works automatically once installed, and a button is added to the toolbar that lets
you toggle the timeline on and off, whenever you want.

Facebook Rules In INDIA! Other Social Networks Just Live With It

Twice a year (in June and in December), Vincenzo Cosenza creates a “world map of social networks”, showing the dominant social networks by country, based on traffic data gathered from Alexa and Google Trends for Websites.

In June 2009, Facebook was already big, and at the end of that year its accelerating growth became even more apparent. By December 2010, the map colored bluer than ever.

The trend shows no signs of stopping this year. How long until it turns all blue?

You can see an animated version of the different maps here. Pay close attention to how many social networks made it to the map in June 2009 compared to June 2011. From 17 to 9.

Facebook is now the ‘leader’ in 119 out of 134 countries Cosenza has analyzed (he added Ethiopia and Tanzania this time around). Since the last update of the world map, Facebook has conquered countries like Syria and Iran, despite struggles against government censorship.

According to data from Facebook’s Ads Platform, Europe is now the largest continent on the network with more than 205 million users (out of roughly 700 million in total).